FAQ Videos

Hot Spots: Workplace Investigations

A recording of Williams HR Law’s November 25, 2021 webinar “Hot Spots: Evolving Issues in Workplace Investigations”, presented by Laura Williams and Aleksandra Pressey. Please note that the content contained is current is as of November 25, 2021 and is intended as an information service and is not legal advice.

Hot Spots: Employment Standards in The New World of Work

A recording of Williams HR Law’s September 30, 2021 webinar “Hot Spots: Vaccinations, Testing & Return to Work”, pre A recording of Williams HR Law’s October 28, 2021 webinar “Hot Spots: Employment Standards in The New World of Work”, presented by Joel Smith, Nhi Huynh and Sheldon Jean-Baptiste. Please note that the content contained is […]

Hot Spots: Vaccinations, Testing & Return to Work

A recording of Williams HR Law’s September 30, 2021 webinar “Hot Spots: Vaccinations, Testing & Return to Work”, presented by Seth Holland and Mark Wolfe. Please note that the content contained is current is as of September 30, 2021 and is intended as an information service and is not legal advice.

What is the New World of Work?

In this video, Laura Williams explains what the New World of Work is and explores its causes and effects. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 27, 2021.

What is the New World of Work’s impact on how we work?

In this video Seth Holland, Ioana Pantis and Aleksandra Pressey explore the effects that the New World of Work (including the pandemic and the mental health crisis) have on how we work. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May […]

What is the New World of Work’s impact on when we work?

In this video Seth Holland and Ioana Pantis explain how the pandemic and other conditions related to the workplace climate have affected when we work. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 27, 2021.

What is the New World of Work’s impact on where we work?

One of the first aspects of the pandemic was felt on where we work, but the questions and legal implications of where we work have evolved. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 27, 2021.

Why is it so important to deal with the “why” when dealing with the New World of Work?

In this video Laura Williams explains why it is so crucial for employers to communicate why they are making particular decisions and changes when it comes to dealing with the New World of Work. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as […]

What should employers keep in mind with respect to labour relations and preparing for bargaining during, and after, the pandemic?

In this video we discuss what unionized employers should consider when planning for collective bargaining during, and after, the pandemic. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 27, 2021.

Since the onset of the pandemic, how has the law been trending with respect to common law notice entitlements?

In this video we look at how common law reasonable notice entitlements have been impacted by the pandemic. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 27, 2021.

What do employers need to bear in mind, regarding layoffs and leaves of absence, and why?

In this video we the requirements related to layoffs during the pandemic, including the temporary rules that apply and when these rules will expire. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 27, 2021.

What do organizations need to turn their minds to when it comes to privacy legislation in Ontario?

In this video, we provide an update to the status of privacy legislation in Ontario and discuss what employers should look out for regarding privacy considerations. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 27, 2021.

Regarding complaints of workplace harassment and discrimination that may require an investigation, what are some pitfalls employers are struggling with, and what should they keep in mind to avoid these pitfalls?

Employers have been dealing with many new complexities related to complaints, and in particular, workplace harassment and discrimination complaints. This video examines the pitfalls employers are struggling with, and what should they keep in mind to avoid these pitfalls. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law […]

What considerations should be on employers’ radars with respect to drafting and implementing whistleblower policies?

Many whistleblower complaints lead to workplace investigation complaints. Therefore whistleblower policies have been a “hot topic” for employers recently. This video discusses the considerations that should be on employers’ radars with respect to drafting and implementing whistleblower policies. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop […]

What should employers consider when creating, and updating, their COVID-19 policies?

This video examines considerations employers should keep in mind when creating, and updating, their COVID-19 testing policies. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 27, 2021.

What does it mean to investigate with a trauma-informed approach?

This video examines the need for employers to conduct workplace investigations from a trauma-informed approach when necessary. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 27, 2021.

What is the new Infectious Disease Emergency Leave Regulation and what does it mean for Ontario employers?

This video discusses the Infectious Disease Emergency Leave Regulation that was enacted on May 29, 2020 and the way it temporarily but dramatically changes the law of layoffs, constructive dismissal and statutory leaves in Ontario. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current […]

What are the key considerations for employers accommodating physical disabilities while restoring their workplaces from the COVID-19 pandemic?

This video examines key factors employers should keep in mind with respect to requests and needs for accommodation related to physical disabilities. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of June 4, 2020.

What are the key considerations for employers when navigating mental health accommodation requirements in the context of COVID-19?

This video identifies when an employer’s mental health accommodation obligations are triggered and the relevant factors an employer must assess. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of June 4, 2020.

What are the key considerations for employers when navigating family status accommodation requests in the context of COVID-19?

This video identifies when an employer’s family status obligations are triggered and the relevant factors an employer must assess. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of June 4, 2020.

What are the key considerations for employers when dealing with accommodation requests from older employees in relation to COVID-19?

This video examines when employer accommodation obligations arise in relation to older, potentially more vulnerable employees and how to navigate uncertainty. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of June 4, 2020.

What can employers do to contain issues and exposures related to accommodation?

This video examines how employers can assess and mitigate risks related to accommodation needs and requests as they restore their workplaces from COVID-19. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of June 4, 2020.

How can employers communicate expectations to employees related to various accommodation requests?

This video identifies communication strategies and best practices for employers to implement in relation to employee accommodation requests. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of June 4, 2020.

What conduct-related issues and challenges should employers anticipate will arise as employees continue or return to work following the COVID-19 outbreak?

This video addresses the causes of and types of misconduct we anticipate will be caused and/or impacted by COVID-19. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of June 4, 2020.

What are the conduct-related obligations employers may have under health and safety, workers’ compensation, or employment/labour standards legislation?

This video examines the general types of obligations employers may have under health and safety, workers’ compensation, or employment/labour standards legislation related to conduct in the workplace. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of June 4, 2020.

When navigating conduct issues in the context of COVID-19, what are the key considerations for employers to understand with respect to their human rights obligations?

This video addresses employers’ human rights-related obligations and exposures when faced with employee conduct issues. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of June 4, 2020.

What should employers consider with respect to workplace investigations?

This video examines key considerations form employers with respect to workplace investigation while restoring their workplaces from COVID-19, including when they should be conducted, how they should be conducted (generally, and specifically during the pandemic), and the liabilities that may result from not conducting an appropriate investigation. Please note that the content contained is excerpted […]

When navigating conduct issues in the context of COVID-19, what are the key considerations for employers to understand with respect to their common law and policy obligations?

This video addresses employers’ obligations to address and investigate employee conduct issues under the common law and their own policies. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of June 4, 2020.

How can employers assess and mitigate the legal risks created by anticipated COVID-19 related conduct issues in the workplace?

This video provides an overview of how employers can conduct risk assessments to address conduct-related risks. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of June 4, 2020.

How should employers communicate conduct expectations, obligations and requirements when restoring their workplaces from COVID-19?

This video identifies key factors of an effective conduct communication strategy, including creating and revising relevant policies, instituting appropriate reporting mechanisms, and conducting required training. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of June 4, 2020.

What are the key considerations employers should be keeping in mind when it comes to health and safety?

This video identifies key considerations employers should keep in mind from a health and safety perspective when stabilizing their workplace from COVID-19. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

What are the key considerations for employers regarding workers’ compensation claims related to COVID-19?

This video examines how workers’ compensation benefits apply in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

What are the key considerations employers should keep in mind with regard to the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)?

This video examines the key requirements of WHMIS, and considerations for employers with respect to the role of these requirements in meeting health and safety obligations related to COVID-19. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

What should employers do to ensure they are meeting their obligations related to health and safety, work refusals, and leaves?

This video examines the key steps employers should take to ensure they are meeting their obligations related to health and safety, work refusals, and leaves, including socializing a workplace-wide understanding of the Internal Responsibility System, conducting a risk assessment, communicating measures and responsibilities, ensuring workers’ compensation reporting requirements are met, and conducting work refusals in […]

What do employers need to know about their disability accommodation obligations in the work from home context?

This video identifies when employers may encounter physical and mental disability accommodation obligations in the context of work from home during COVID-19. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

What should employers consider in terms of confidentiality and privacy when employees work from home?

This video identifies key considerations for employers related to confidentiality and privacy issues that may need to be addressed when employees work from home. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

What are the most common employment standards considerations when employees work from home?

This video identifies four key areas of potential liability for employers under employment standards legislation. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

How do health and safety obligations apply when employees are working from home?

This video examines key considerations for employers from a health and safety perspective when employees are working from home instead of in the traditional centralized office workplace. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

What are employers’ family status accommodation obligations when employees work from home?

This video examines when childcare accommodation obligations may arise for employers and provides an overview of the accommodation process. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

Does workers’ compensation apply when employees are injured while working from home?

This video examines how workers’ compensation benefits apply when employees are working from home. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

What can employers do to minimize the legal risks and exposures that arise when employees work from home?

This video provides strategies for employers to meet accommodation and other obligations in the context of COVID-19. Please see Aleks’ video for additional strategies. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

What should employers do to effectively communicate expectations to their employees and managers with regard to working from home?

This video identifies key steps employers should take to ensure that they are effectively communicating expectations related to working from home to their employees. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

When will temporary changes to an employee’s roles and compensation amount to constructive dismissal in the context of COVID-19?

This video addresses when COVID-19 related temporary reductions to employees’ compensation or hours, changes to roles, and temporary layoffs will constitute constructive dismissal. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

What are the risks employers should be mindful of when recalling employees back to work?

This video identifies when employers may face liability for reprisal and discrimination in relation to recalls, layoffs and dismissals. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

What are the key considerations for employers to properly implement termination decisions during the pandemic?

This video addresses employee termination entitlements when they are dismissed because of COVID-19. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

Have the layoff rules across the country changed as a result of the pandemic, and if so, how?

This video identifies where layoff rules have and have not changed in several provinces in the context of COVID-19. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

What steps should employers take to minimize legal risks when layoffs and terminations are required because of COVID-19?

This video provides useful strategies to help employers avoid common pitfalls and reduce costs and liability when laying off or dismissing employees during the pandemic. Please note that the content contained is excerpted from the Williams HR Law Proactive Workplace Law Workshop and is current as of May 28, 2020.

What is the Canada Emergency Business Account (or, “CEBA”), and what organizations are eligible to receive a loan under this new program?

This video discusses the implications of workplaces being deemed essential or non-essential, and explains the difference between essential workplaces and essential services.

What is the federal COVID-19 related leave and how does it work?

This video provides an overview of the new Leave related to COVID-19 available to federally-regulated employees under the Canada Labour Code.

What evidence could be considered appropriate in the circumstances to support an Ontario employee’s COVID-19 related leave, and can you ever ask for a medical note during the pandemic?

This video outlines what evidence employers can require from employees to support their entitlement to Ontario’s new COVID-19 related leaves of absence.

What does it mean for an Ontario employer’s workplace to be considered essential or non-essential during the COVID-19 pandemic?

This video discusses the implications of workplaces being deemed essential or non-essential, and explains the difference between essential workplaces and essential services.

UPDATED: What is the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)?

This video discusses the CERB, including what it is and its eligibility requirements. This is an updated video that reflects changes the federal government made to the CERB in mid-April 2020.

UPDATED: What is the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy?

This video examines the 75% Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy for non-public employers, including charities and non-profits, that experience a drop in revenues due to COVID-19. This is an updated video that reflects changes the federal government made to the subsidy in mid-April 2020.

When and how should employers issue Records of Employment in relation to COVID-19?

This video provides guidance to employers about how to complete Records of Employment, including which codes should be used for COVID-19 related interruptions in earnings.

Do the statutory entitlements of employees in Ontario, such as vacation time and vacation pay, continue to accrue when the employees are laid off or on a protected leave because of COVID-19?

This video provides guidance to employers on whether and how certain entitlements, such as vacation and holiday pay, accrue during layoffs and leaves of absence.

Should employers take employees’ temperatures before they enter the workplace to protect against the spread of COVID-19?

This video addresses the legal and practical implications employers face if they choose to take employees’ temperatures as they enter the workplace.

How to communicate with your team in crisis times

This video discusses the importance of leader and team communication during the pandemic and highlights five key approaches that people leaders can use to help ensure their communication remains effective in these times of crisis and uncertainty.

To avoid layoffs, can employers require employees to take their accrued vacation or other credits like sick leave?

This video discusses when employers can apply employees’ paid leave entitlements in order to pay them when work is not available because of COVID-19.

What are the new COVID-19 related leaves in Ontario, and how do they work?

This video provides an overview of the new and amended Declared Emergency Leave and Infectious Disease Emergency Leave under the Employment Standards Act, 2000.

What is the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy?

This video examines the proposed 75% Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy that would be available to all non-public employers, including charities and non-profits, that experience a 30% drop in revenues due to COVID-19.

What is the Temporary Wage Subsidy?

This video discusses the 10% Temporary Wage Subsidy for small businesses, and how it allows eligible employers to reduce the amount of payroll deductions they remit to the Canada Revenue Agency.

How should employers respond to an employee who is unable to work from home because of their role, but refuses to work because of COVID-19?

This video discusses how the response will be different depending on the reason the employee refuses to work. Joel addresses when the employee will be entitled to a job-protected leave and the process to follow when the refusal is unrelated to any job-protected leave entitlements.

How long can layoffs last for provincially-regulated employees under the Employment Standards Act?

This video discusses the specific rules and time periods that provincially regulated employers must be aware of when implementing layoffs.

Do employers have the right to lay employees off work?

This video discusses the situations when employers can and cannot layoff employees, and the considerations that employers must make prior to implementing these layoffs.

What should an employer do if an employee asks to be laid off as a result of COVID-19?

This video examines strategic considerations for employers if an employee asks to be laid off during the COVID-19 pandemic where the employer is not actually experiencing a shortage of work.

Are employees entitled to WSIB benefits if they contract COVID-19 at work?

This video discusses when employees are eligible to receive WSIB benefits for COVID-19 contracted while working, and the WSIB’s specific eligibility criteria for COVID-19 claims.

What is the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)?

This video discusses the new CERB, including what it is and its eligibility requirements.

If employees are working from home, do employers still have health and safety obligations?

This video discusses how employers’ health and safety obligations extend to employees’ home workspaces and how employers can minimize related risks.

What should employers do if an employee who was recently in the workplace reports that they have been diagnosed with or may have contracted COVID-19?

This video addresses the health and safety, privacy and human rights implications that employers should consider in these circumstances.

Are employees eligible for WSIB benefits if they get injured or sick while working from home?

This video discusses how employees can be eligible for WSIB benefits when they are injured while working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is a Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan (SUB Plan), and how does it work?

This video discusses SUB Plans, including what they are, how they work, and some key requirements to implement them.

What is Work-Sharing and how does it work?

This video briefly examines the Work-Sharing adjustment program, including what it is, the general principles behind how it works, and certain temporary special measures that the Government of Canada has implemented to make it easier for employers and employees to apply.

How long can federally-regulated employers be laid off under the Canada Labour Code?

This video discusses the specific rules and time periods that federally regulated employers must be aware of when implementing layoffs.

The content on this site is provided as an information service and summary of workplace legal issues. This information is not intended as legal advice.

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